Profile Picturemikehawthorne

The NEW Drawing Cheat Codes Vol. 2 PRINT edition

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The NEW Drawing Cheat Codes Vol. 2 PRINT edition


Everyone wants to draw better, but some times the complicated nature of Anatomy study can be overwhelming.

That's where this NEW edition of Drawing Cheat Codes Vol. 2 PRINT edition comes in. There are tons of little "rules of thumb" you can use to improve your drawing that don't involve complicated anatomy, and I've collected many of them in one easy-to-use reference guide!

This book will teach you some "cheats" for drawing the figure using a 3D approach. These rules expand on the proportional "cheats" in Drawing Cheat Codes Vol. 1 to help you draw figures that have volume and mass. You'll learn a simple approach to building figures from simple forms, how overlapping lines create the illusion of depth and how to use perspective to make your figures inhabit a space believably.

Drawing Cheat Codes Vol. 2 also covers the ever-dreaded foreshortening!

The knowledge in this easy to use reference book will help you draw better from day one, ESPECIALLY when drawing from memory!

Thanks for your support, and Happy Drawing!



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