Profile Picturemikehawthorne

Hi, I'm Mike Hawthorne! I'm the artist of Batman, Deadpool, Wonder-Woman, Spider-man and more. I've also worked for Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Epic games, Universal Studios, Illumination, Fox. Oh, and I teach Anatomy and Visual Development at the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design.  NOTE: Mike Hawthorne Anatomy Lectures: Print Edition, Cheat Codes 1 print edition & Life Studied 1 are SOLD OUT. THANK YOU! Also, Due the the complicated nature of EU VAT & Customs changes we are temporarily unable to ship physical books to the EU. We're genuinely sorry & will do our best to find a solution. This does NOT affect digital books. 

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Little/RED hardcover artbook

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Little/RED artbook pre-order


Warm Ups 1 thru 4 bundle

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Warm Ups #4 art zine: Print Edition

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Warm Ups #4 art zine: Digital Edition

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Warm Ups #3 art zine: Print Edition

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Warm Ups #3 art zine: Digital Edition

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All City V.0 Print Edition


Warm Ups #2 art zine: Print Edition


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